Reminders and Updates – June 2023

Reminders and Updates – June 2023

Good afternoon Jensen Residents, Summer is here! We have a few summer updates and reminders to share with you all;


Updated Hours – June 17th


Starting on June 17th the park hours will be extended to 10 am – 9 pm, 7 days a week for the duration of the summer. This includes statuary holidays unless otherwise posted.


Upcoming Event and Program Reminders


June 24th – Meet Your Neighbour Summer BBQ 2023:

  • Get ready for the Jensen Lakes Meet Your Neighbour BBQhappening on Sat Jun 24 2023 from 6 – 9 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbours and make new friends in the community. Come and enjoy some delicious BBQ food and a bouncy castle for the kids. One $5 ticket will include a burger, kettle chips, and a pop. Let’s gather and have a great time together. Don’t miss out on this fun event!


  • Please note this event will be open to Jensen Lakes Residents Only.We will not be allowing guests for the 3-hour duration of the event and we will not be honoring tickets purchased by non-residents.

This event will take place rain or shine, so come prepared for the weather.


  • This event will have a charge of $5 per person. Please get your tickets as soon as possible to assure we can plan accurately. The ticket sales can be found at the link below:


June 16th – Paddle Board Lessons:

  • Reminder that Paddle Board Lessons start this weekend June 16th-18th! There are 10 sessions available for residents this weekend, so make sure to go to the Paddle A Board Vacations website to secure your spot in one of these sessions.


  • Jensen Residents will get a $10 discount on the price with the discount code JENSEN. To register or find more information go to the Paddle A Board Vacations website link below, and find the registration under SUP Lessons.


July 1st – 2023 Fishing Season:

  • The JLHOA 2023 Fishing Season will start on Saturday, July 1st. This is a reminder that the 2023 Fishing season will be a catch-and-release only. Please read the fishing guidelines for the 2023 Fishing Season before the start of the season;


Storm Protocol, Property Boundaries, and General Rules Reminders 

Storm Protocol:

  • In the event of thunderstorms, please promptly vacate the water, and move to a safe location. Wait for the staff to give residents an all-clear signal or until the storm has subsided entirely before resuming water activities.


  • Boat rentals will not be available during extreme wind conditions, even if there is no thunderstorm.

Property Boundaries:

  • Members using the beach must refrain from walking through lakefront resident yards. The rocky shore area behind residents’ private docks is part of their property and should not be entered. Please maintain privacy and respect for your fellow residents.


  • Residents living on the private walkway must access the private walkways directly by watercraft or swimming to the shared docks.


General rules:

  • Residents are responsible to monitor and supervise their minor children. Resident members are also required to ensure their guests inc. minors are supervised at all times.


  • Please review the beach rules for the 2023 summer season found at the link below or on the JLHOA Website. All residents are required to abide by these rules when using the park. Violation of any of the JLHOA Rules & Regulations may result in immediate removal from the park, and/or loss of access privileges.


  • We would also kindly ask that during the busy summer season residents are patient and respectful to all staff members. Our staff will be doing their best to make sure that all residents and guests have a safe and enjoyable experience.

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Jensen Lakes
900, 10310 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB Canada
T5J 1Y8

Resident Association Contact