December Update 2023

December Update 2023

Good afternoon Residents of Jensen Lakes,

Hope everyone is excited to enter the Holiday season. In the meantime, we have some updates to share with you all; Please read the following carefully.


Rink Timeline & Updates  

 The staff will continue to monitor the weather closely and start flooding when the weather is cold enough consistently over consecutive nights.

We are predicting the rink to be ready in late December or early January, weather permitting.

The operating and opening hours will be adjusted once the rink is ready. We will endeavor to communicate any delays that we are made aware of.


 Winter Safety

We need to advise residents to Please Stay Safe and Stay off the Lake until the staff have confirmed it is safe to do so.

The lake will take longer to freeze, and residents will not be permitted on the lake until it is safe to do so. There will be additional warning signs, but we want residents to remain vigilant.

The ice surface is currently not safe for any type of recreation, including skating, sledding, and walking, because the water is not frozen beneath the frozen top layer.

  • The ice thickness is unpredictable and highly hazardous.
  • The ice surface varies in depth across the whole surface. While it may appear thick in some areas, other areas may have little to no ice.
  • There are generally no visible surface indications of unsafe conditions.
  • Snow often obscures holes in the inconsistent ice.

Please be patient with the staff onsite while they do their best to deliver the rinks for the community for the second year, they will be navigating through unpredictably warm weather.

For more information on Ice Safety please read the following articles by the City of St. Albert and the City of Edmonton.


Membership Cards Reminder

 As we gear up for the upcoming Ice-Skating Season, we would like to remind you that membership cards are mandatory for park entry. Residents under 12 must remain supervised at all times by a member of their household.

To ensure seamless access and enjoyment of the facilities, we encourage all residents to obtain their membership cards before the Ice-Skating Season, if they haven’t done so already. If you require membership cards, please email to coordinate card printing with our staff.


Polar Plunge Event Canceled

Due to the unusually warm weather and the timeline needed for this event, we are not able to do a Polar Plunge in 2024. However, we are planning to do Polar Plunges in future years. Stay tuned for more details on future events here at Jensen.


We thank you for your cooperation and patience during this warm weather, and we look forward to seeing you at the park!

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Jensen Lakes
900, 10310 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB Canada
T5J 1Y8

Resident Association Contact