2022 AGM

The 2022 Jensen Lakes HOA AGM has been set for Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 6:30 PM.

Per the passing of Bill 53, Non-Profit Organizations, of which homeowner’s associations fall under, has permission to hold a virtual meeting.  As such, the 2022 Jensen Lakes HOA AGM format this year will be online only.

We will provide several ways to vote in advance of the meeting including by email and mail. Specific instructions will be included in the package that will be sent to residents prior to the meeting to ensure ample notice is given. The Zoom meeting information is also provided below for your reference.

To register in advance for this webinar, please click  Zoom Meeting Information

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Jensen Lakes
900, 10310 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB Canada
T5J 1Y8

Resident Association Contact