October 31st

Pumpkin Carving Contest!

Event Date: 10/2023

🎃👻 Get Ready to Carve and Win in the JLHOA Pumpkin Carving Contest! 🎃👻


It’s time to put your skills to the test and compete against your neighbours! The JLHOA is putting on a Pumpkin Carving Contest, and it’s your chance to win a gift basket!


Contest Details:


Start Date: Monday, October 9th 

Deadline for Entries: Tuesday, October 31st 


How to Enter:

  1. Carve a fantastic pumpkin.
  2. Take a picture of your masterpiece.
  3. Send your entry by email to programs@jensenlakeshoa.ca or by Instagram DM to @jensenlakes_hoa.
  4. Include your full name and address with your submission.
  5. Only one entry per person, please!


Prize: The lucky winner will receive a gift basket filled with seasonal treats and goodies! We will announce the winner on Instagram and notify them by email. 


Judging: Our JLHOA staff will be evaluating each entry based on creativity, craftsmanship, and overall pumpkin-carving excellence.


So, gather your carving tools, unleash your imagination, and create the pumpkin carving that will dazzle our judges! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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Jensen Lakes
900, 10310 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB Canada
T5J 1Y8

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