Picnic Rental

Outdoor booking is a great option for residents who want to enjoy the beach with a larger group of guests. Outdoor Bookings can only be made by residents of Jensen Lakes.

Capacity: Up to 20 guests per booking. *Requests for any additional guests can be made to JLHOA Management, but will residents be charged extra for each additional guest.*

Rate: $175 plus GST for a maximum of 3 hours. Bookings must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the event date.

Please read through and complete the Agreement below:

Jensen Lakes HOA Outdoor Booking Agreement

Once the agreement has been completed please email it to:

Joanna: manager@jensenlakeshoa.ca 

Kennedy: programs@jensenlakeshoa.ca 

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Jensen Lakes
900, 10310 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB Canada
T5J 1Y8

Resident Association Contact