2019 Jensen Lakes Homeowners Association Financial Statements
The 2019 Jensen Lakes Financial Statements are ready and available to view here. If you would like more information please don’t hesitate in reaching out to tcosgrave@melcor.ca
Lake Construction Update- June 2020
We completely understand our residents frustration with Lake progress but We are working hard behind the scenes on approvals and design to move past these delays and make some good progress. Keep in mind that although construction hasn’t been impacted by this health crisis, our consultants, engineers, municipal approvals, financing, builder partners have and moving […]
Jensen lakes Homeowners Association 2020 AGM
Prior to 2019 the HOA was not operating so there was not a requirement to call an AGM. The annual requirements of the HOA could be accomplished by resolution and this is recorded in the minute books. Due to the current covid-19 pandemic, and timing of the construction we will not be confirming the date […]